Jennifer Alexander-Brett, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email: jalexand@wustl.edu
Chronic lung disease, Immunology, Lung Transplant
Kari Allen, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email: kari.allen@wustl.edu
Human Anatomy, Primate Comparative Anatomy, Paleoanthropology
Beau Ances, MD, PhD, MSc
- Email: bances@wustl.edu
HIV, Alzheimer disease, Down syndrome, Paraneoplastic disease, post acute sequelae of COVID, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Daniel Castro, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email: castro.d@wustl.edu
My laboratory studies the neurobiological mechanisms of affect and motivation. We use a combination of pharmacology, genetics, in vivo calcium imaging, CRISPR-Cas9, and neuroanatomy to identify how select brain circuits generate or modulate affective evaluation. We also develop next-generation technology, particularly related to the use of wireless devices for behavioral neuroscience research.
Joel Dalton
Coordinator of Diversity and Student Affairs
- Email: joeltdalton@wustl.edu
Qualitative Research in Higher Education
Sense of Belonging for QTSoC (Queer and Trans Students of Color) at PHWIs (Predominantly and Historically White Institutions)