The Mentorship to Enhance Diversity in Academia (MEDA) Program in collaboration with the Washington University Black Postdoc Society kicked off their 2023-24 Career Seminar series with a breakfast roundtable discussion on August 29th with visiting speaker Dr. Lourdes Soto de Laurido. Dr. Soto de Laurido is Acting Dean at the University of Puerto Rico, School of Health Professions Medical Sciences Campus. Dr. Soto de Laurido talked with us about her career journey and provided us with advice on mentoring and career coaching.

For our second MEDA Career Seminar, we hosted Dr. Pamela Begay. Dr. Begay is an Associate Professor of Practice at the Brown School and the Director of the Buder Center for American Indian Studies. Dr. Begay shared her career journey and spiritual guidance with our group and we learned about Diné tribe.