Kari Allen, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email: kari.allen@wustl.edu
Human Anatomy, Primate Comparative Anatomy, Paleoanthropology
Daniel Castro, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Email: castro.d@wustl.edu
My laboratory studies the neurobiological mechanisms of affect and motivation. We use a combination of pharmacology, genetics, in vivo calcium imaging, CRISPR-Cas9, and neuroanatomy to identify how select brain circuits generate or modulate affective evaluation. We also develop next-generation technology, particularly related to the use of wireless devices for behavioral neuroscience research.
Joel Dalton
Coordinator of Diversity and Student Affairs
- Email: joeltdalton@wustl.edu
Qualitative Research in Higher Education
Sense of Belonging for QTSoC (Queer and Trans Students of Color) at PHWIs (Predominantly and Historically White Institutions)
Madeline Jansen, MD, MPH
- Email: mojansen@wustl.edu
Primary prevention of mental illness among queer, trans, and BIPOC youth. Community-based public health intervention models.
Julia Lopez, PhD, MPH, LCSW
- Email: julialopez@wustl.edu
Dr. López is a public health researcher who uses her clinical practice skills to further advance the field of sexual health using public health and social work theories and frameworks. To date, she has worked to integrate her clinical expertise as a licensed social worker in community mental health settings and substance use treatment with the research design and methodology for analyzing, interpreting, and disseminating data across a myriad of settings and populations. Dr. López is focused on addressing gaps in research and clinical practices in the areas of sexual and gender minority (SGM) health, racial disparities, HIV care, and women’s health. Her goal is to engage and provide a platform for these populations through practice, research and community collaboration. Her focus is to reduce health disparities affecting SGM populations by understanding the mechanisms through which different types of trauma/minority stress impact mental health and substance use. She is committed to public health interventions and clinical care by way of behavioral and social science research, with a priority to maximize translation into community.